Saturday, 18 October 2014

Missing Footage

I have missing footage such as the actual journey to Philippines and the car journey to the farm apart from a couple of clips from the "Jeep"(public transport) so this means that the video may not flow as well as I planned. This was due to me deleting the footage after transferring the files to my iPad, under the impression that I will be using the iMovie app from Apple. Ultimately, the footage in my iPad is unusable as the conversion of the footage means that it is too small and will only be pixelated if used in the video. This is a major drawback as the video will go straight into Philippines missing out any needed introductions or transitions from England to Philippines.
But I've began to put clips together with the aid of Youtube tutorials and so far it has been okay. the level of difficulty with using Premiere Pro will only increase if I try to complicate the process in which I edit the videos to avoid this I will try to keep it simple.

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